Excellence Dentists! Premium Dental Care Accessible to All



Transform your smile into a masterpiece with the art of orthodontics

At Dental Mate Cabo, our patients come with a single goal, to renew and correct their teeth.

Let our skilled orthodontists guide you on a journey of precision and beauty, where every misalignment is transformed into harmonious alignment, whether with the versatility of metal braces, the elegance of ceramic braces, the innovation of self ligating brackets, or the discreet power of Invisalign.

Embrace the transformative power of orthodontics and reveal a smile that shines with confidence and radiance.

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self ligating brackets Dental Mate Cabo
Brackets Dental Mate Cabo

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Unlock your perfect smile with the art of orthodontics

By providing various dental treatments and aesthetic procedures, we have orthodontics in Cabo San Lucas that will make you regain your confidence, increase your self-esteem, and, most importantly, generate optimal joint and oral health for a lifetime.

What does our Orthodontics include?

Dental scan



Study models

Orthodontic placement


Are there factors to consider for orthodontics?

Yes! We need to:

Take x-rays, Study models, dental scan, photographs

Review the Clinical History of the patient

Do a Dental check-up

The patient must not have tartar or cavities

The Specialist determines if extractions have to be made for placement (before or during treatment)

Let the power of our orthodontics unlock your true potential


At Dental Mate Cabo, we offer you the versatility of metal braces and the elegance of ceramic braces, so we can choose, so we can choose the best one for your particular case:


Metal braces

Greater strength and durability

Less chance of breakage


Ceramic braces

Less noticeable than metal brackets


More aesthetically pleasing

Metalíc braces cost:

$300 USD

Creamic braces cost:

$900 USD

Total Price

Zapphire braces cost:

$1000 USD

Alexander braces cost:

$600 USD

Total Price


Conventional orthodontics

The Perfect Correcting Procedure


The Start

We receive the patient


Dental Examination

We perform an assessment that consists of dental history, radiographic studies, dental scan and photographs


Options Review

We diagnose and provide the different orthodontic options available


Orthodontic Placement

We place the brackets in the upper and lower part of the denture


Orthodontic Care

After placement, it is recommended not to chew hard or small things, cutting the food into small bites



Monthly adjustments will be made over a period of approximately 1 to 2 years


Post Orthodontic Process

After removing the brackets, a retention is placed to keep the teeth in the final position

Clean Tooth Dental Mate Cabo

Embrace the transformative power of the perfect correcting procedure for the smile you always desire at Dental Mate Cabo.

Self ligating brackets

Self ligating braces look like conventional braces and are placed relatively the same way. However, unlike traditional braces, self ligating braces don’t use elastics (better known as rubber bands), or metal ties. Instead, this system uses special clips or brackets with a spring-loaded door, allowing the brackets to maintain pressure on the arch wire, helping move your teeth consistently, at a steady pace.

Metal Self-Ligating braces cost:

$1000 USD

Esthetic Self-Ligating braces cost:

$1500 USD

Orthodontics brackets Dental Mate Cabo

Embrace the transformative power of Dental Mate Cabo orthodontics' and reveal a smile that shines with confidence and radiance.

Invisalign braces

The invisible system that aligns your teeth

Unleash the power of your smile with Invisalign, the invisible weapon that effortlessly transforms your teeth, leaving a trail of confidence in every step you take. Invisalign aligns your teeth through the use of invisible, transparent, and removable aligners during the course of treatment, tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient.

Benefits of Invisalign:





Embrace the magic of invisible alignment and embark on a journey to unveil the stunning beauty that lies within your radiant smile with Invisalign treatment.


The Perfect Invisible Process


The Start

We receive the patient


Dental examination

We perform an assessment to see if there was any other treatment, consisting of dental history, radiographic studies, dental scan and photographs


Personalized Aligners

After the analysis, we send the information to manufacture the personalized aligners for the patient, taking approximately 2 weeks


Ready To Go

If you live abroad, we can send them to your home and schedule an appointment in advance to place the accessories.

Embark on a transformative journey towards a perfectly aligned and beautiful smile with the guidance of our skilled orthodontists at Dental Mate Cabo.

Invisalign cost:

$5000 USD

Clean Tooth Dental Mate Cabo

Trust in our precision and expertise to deliver exceptional results, giving you the confidence to smile with pride.


Orthodontics Before and after

The hallmark of Dental Mate Cabo

World-class service that integrates the expertise of our top specialists with high-tech. Our commitment to excellence drives us to provide you with the highest standard of care, ensuring that you receive the best possible treatment and outcomes. With a focus on innovation and advanced techniques, we strive to exceed your expectations and provide you with a truly exceptional dental experience.

High Technology

From advanced cosmetic dentistry to revolutionary restorative procedures, our team of skilled professionals, utilizes the latest technology to deliver exceptional results.

Mision Dental Mate Cabo

Our Vision

Is to become the top choice in dental care, providing quality and affordable services that meet the needs of the community. We aim to be recognized as the benchmark for dental excellence, exceeding our patients' expectations with every visit. At Dental Mate Cabo, we are committed to continuous growth and improvement to provide you with the best dental experience possible.

Dentist Dental Mate Cabo

Our World Class Specialists

Our world-class specialists are highly trained and equipped to deliver outstanding results tailored to your unique dental needs. Whether you require a specific treatment or procedure, our experts will ensure you receive the highest level of care.

Vision Dental Mate Cabo

Our Mission

is to provide quick and timely care, focused on the well-being and health of our patients. We collaborate to improve their quality of life by delivering exceptional dental services. At Dental Mate Cabo, we deeply care about your well-being and strive to offer the highest quality of care.

Trust Dental Mate Cabo to deliver the utmost quality and professionalism, as we work tirelessly to enhance your oral health and exceed your expectations.

Dental Mate Logo

Innovation that will make smile again

Contact us today and embark on a journey towards a brighter, healthier, and more beautiful smile. Rediscover the joy of smiling with Dental Mate Cabo, your trusted partner in dental innovation.



MONDAY - FRIDAY: 10:00 - 18:00

SATURDAY: 10:00 - 16:00

SUNDAY: Closed